Vocabulary Size of English Speakers

We present the results of an international study on the vocabulary of English speakers. The study is based on an online English vocabulary test, designed for both native speakers and learners. We aimed to answer the following questions:

Here’s what we found.


First, let's look at who took the test. To date, 224,488 respondents have completed it, including 4,099 native speakers and 220,389 English learners. Participants came from all around the world:

Geographical distribution of English vocabulary test participants, native speakers only

More than half of the native speakers (54%) came from the United States, 20% from the United Kingdom, 14% from Canada, and 9% from Australia. Ireland and New Zealand each contributed less than 3% of participants.

Geographical distribution of English vocabulary test participants, learners only

Most learners came from Russia (52%) and Ukraine (14%). Each of the remaining countries contributed less than 4% of participants.

Histogram of age of English vocabulary test participants, native speakers only Histogram of age of English vocabulary test participants, learners only

The majority of both native speakers and learners were college-age or young adults. However, we still had a broad range of participants, spanning from young children (as young as 5 years old) to older adults (up to 85 years old).

Vocabulary Size

Let's now examine the vocabulary sizes of native speakers and learners.

Histogram of vocabulary size of English vocabulary test participants, native speakers only

For native speakers (all ages combined):

Histogram of vocabulary size of English vocabulary test participants, learners only

For learners (all ages combined):

Vocabulary Size and Age

Now, let's take a closer look at how vocabulary size changes with age. We begin with native speakers:

Statistics on vocabulary size vs age for English vocabulary test participants, native speakers only

The vocabulary size of native speakers increases with age. It expands rapidly during formal education (up to age 18), then continues to grow at a slower pace until around 32, after which growth nearly stops. There may be a decline after age 75, but more data is needed to confirm this. Here are the key figures:

Now, let's look at learners.

Statistics on vocabulary size vs age for English vocabulary test participants, learners only

For learners:

Frequently Asked Questions

How many words are in the English language?

Determining the exact number of words in any language is challenging, as estimates depend on what qualifies as an independent word versus a derivative. We follow the research of P. Nation and L. Bauer, who introduced the concept of word families. According to their work, English has at least 26,000 word families.

What counts as a word?

We measure vocabulary in word families, meaning that variations such as limit, limitation, limitations, limited, limiting, limitless, limitlessly, limits, and unlimited are all considered part of the same word family.

How can a vocabulary of thousands of words be measured with only 40 questions?

The test is based on Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing—the most advanced methodologies in modern psychometrics (the science of psychological assessment). You can learn more about the methodology behind the test on the methodology page.

Can I compare these results to those of other vocabulary tests?

Unfortunately, no. Comparing results between vocabulary tests is impossible for several reasons:

How does the average vocabulary of native English speakers and learners compare to other languages?

Comparing vocabulary sizes across languages is extremely difficult due to fundamental linguistic differences:

Thus, meaningful comparisons of vocabulary sizes between languages is practically impossible.

Grigory Golovin

Last updated: March 3, 2025